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Explore The Secrets Of The Turquoise Trench

Shisui of the Violet Tides: Dive into the Depths of Stormblood

Explore the Secrets of the Turquoise Trench

Beneath the shimmering depths of the Ruby Sea, where the Turquoise Trench yawns open, lies a hidden realm of wonder and danger: Shisui of the Violet Tides. This labyrinthine dungeon, the second to grace Stormblood, beckons adventurers to unravel its secrets.

Delve into the Deepest Depths

At a staggering depth of a thousand thousand fathoms, Shisui of the Violet Tides is an optional yet tantalizing challenge for those seeking a thrilling adventure. As you venture deeper into the dungeon, prepare to face formidable foes that lurk within its vibrant coral walls and treacherous currents.

Master the Challenges of the Abyss

Shisui of the Violet Tides offers a unique blend of intricate puzzles and relentless enemies. From the enigmatic riddles that guard its hidden treasures to the formidable bosses that test your limits, every encounter will push you to your wit's end.

Optional, Yet Unforgettable

While Shisui of the Violet Tides is an optional dungeon, it is highly recommended for those seeking the full Stormblood experience. Its breathtakingly beautiful environment, challenging gameplay, and captivating storyline will leave an unforgettable mark on your journey through the expansion.
